Our Pastor-Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr.
Bishop Aaron B. Lackey, Sr., is the youngest child of the late Deacon James E. Lackey, Sr. and the
late Mother Nornell H. Lackey. God has blessed the Bishop to receive his Bachelor of Arts degree
in Biblical Studies, a Master of Arts degree inBiblical Counseling, and a Doctorate of Biblical Studies,
plus many honorary degrees from various institutions.
On March 2, 1985, he married his high school sweetheart, Lakita Y. Caldwell. God has blessed them
with two beautiful and very talented children, Aaronlyn Lackey Wright (Leon, Jr.) and
Aaron B. Lackey, Jr. (Angel). The bishop has also been blessed with two grandchildren, Xavier L. Wright
and Aalivia D. Wright.
On February 14, 1988, Bishop Lackey became the organizing pastor of Temple of Prayer UCOGIC.
Since January 10, 2009, he has also served as the Chief Apostle & Presiding Bishop of the United
Churches of God in Christ, Inc., an international ministry with churches throughout the United States,
the Caribbean and the continent of Africa.
Although God has allowed the Bishop to receive numerous honors, awards and proclamations,Bishop Lackey’s greatest honor is to serve and to empower “The Least, The Lost, The Less & The Left Out”. His philosophy of, “Servant-Leadership,” is evidenced through his community service and activism. He is a Board Member for the Voter Empowerment Collaborative. Bishop Lackey serves as the Secretary for the South Fulton Ministerial Alliance. He is a member of the Georgia Sheriff’s Association/Chaplain’s Division and serves as a Law-Enforcement Chaplain for the Fulton County, Georgia Sherriff’s Office as well as a Public Safety Chaplain for the Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Departments of Fairburn, GA. From a national search in January, 2019, Bishop Lackey was selected as one of only 40 pastors nationally to become a “Hampton University Prime Fellow”. Our bishop is also the Chief Executive Officer of Aaron B. Lackey Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization that coordinates most of the bishop’s foreign and domestic travels, charitable outreach efforts and interdenominational workshops, seminars and conferences.
This powerful man of vision, has allowed God to birth within him, a message designed to, “Save, Heal, Equip, and to Evangelize,” a lost and dying world. At every venue, Bishop Aaron B. Lackey uses his God-given charisma to, “Reach the Lost & Teach the Found”!